Tümsekli Plaj?: En popüler plajlardan birisi olan Kemer plaj? tatilcilere harika bir kükremek tatili olana?? sunuyor. Tümsekli plaj? ve koylar? berrak deniziyle her y?l binlerce turisti a??rl?yor.The agency quoted Dujarric as saying that the name change had become effective “from the moment” the letter was received. Dujarric told the Washin
Son Dakika - Genel Bakış
Turkey is a very popular country for tourists. Millions of tourists from around the world visit Turkey every year. You shouldn't think, that Turkey kat???ks?z only a sea. There are pleasant climate, ancient buildings, architectural monuments and much more what European people just envy.The agency quoted Dujarric as saying that the name change had b
Aksaray Hakkında Gerçekler Açığa
An?t, Türk kumandan? Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün 10 Eylül 1921’deki yönerge?yla yapt?r?lm??t?r ve Türk Kurtulu? Sava??’nda ya?am?n? kaybeden askerlerin hat?ras?na mamult?r.1985 y?l?nda fazlaca y?prand???ndan Ahmet Ferhat Cebeci arac?l???yla yeniden restore ediliyor. 1990‘l? y?llarda ?imdiki halini, yani k?z?l??done? han? olarak kal?yor.T